DvZ Changelog

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Warning: Some changenotes from earlier versions are no longer true for the current Version!

v.1.8 - 21.03.2015 - Spigot 1.8.3

* Updated to Spigot 1.8.3
* Changed class selection items to use new itemformat
* Changed disabled crafts list to use itemnames instead of ids
- Fixed invulnerable teams not getting damaged by void/kill commands
- Fixed some gameplay unaffecting errors

v.1.7.3 - Never released

- Fixed /dvz_vote

v.1.7.2 - 05.09.2014 - CB 1.7.10-R0.1

- Fixed startup error caused by trying to export a no longer existing file

v.1.7.1 - 09.08.2014 - CB 1.7.10-R0.1

* IMPORTANT: Requires SpellItems v.2.0
  * WARNING: The Luaspell system will break old configs and now uses LUA for the spells
  + Added ItemVariableSetDvZ spell
  + Added /dvz reload spells
* IMPORTANT: Recoded whole Team/Game Managment system
  * Now completly customizable in the setup.yml
  * The setup.yml can be per world in the [world_directory]/dvz/ and is loaded from the plugin config directory when there is no setup.yml in the world
  * The default setup.yml represents the normal DvZ game setup
  + Added /dvz_setup
  + Added experimental Clan Wars mode, look into setup_clan_wars_experimental.yml
  * WARNING: The classsystems where merged into one, just look into the classes.yml, which classes belong to which Team now is defined in the setup.yml
  * WARNING: This also changed some items, so please delete/fix your items.yml
* Worlds are now named
  * Changed /dvz_createworld command
  + Added /dvz_vote command
  + Added lobby_vote config option(default: false)
  * Voting is currently only during countdown
* Changed Disguisehandling to have to same names for every plugin
  * Witherskeleton, VillagerZombie, Charged Creeper, Undead/Skeletonhorses are now possible
  * Every mob(which supports it) can be made into a baby by putting "baby" infront of the name
  * WARNING: BeTheMob is no longer supported
  * WARNING: Needs at least Lib's Disguises from Jan 20, 2014
* Changed Highscore
  * IMPORTANT: Delete your old highscore.yml
  * Now tracking kills, deaths, victories, losses, classpoints
  * Highscore calculation: kills+victories*10+classpoints*4;
  + Added ItemDvZClassPoint, default gives points for fullfilling the job of a class(except Builder)
  * Shown in lobby when hscore_in_lobby is set to true
  * currently breaks /dvz_highscore
  * saved on Game end and NORMAL server stop
* Improved ItemStands
  * Now floating, even when blocks below get broken
  * general less glitchy
  * saved in yml format, so you can edit them afterwards
- Fixed Monster Invulnarability+Suicide Pill+Teleport to Enderman Portal
  * Suicidepill/Teleport Map are now a custom Items
  * now defined in the setup.yml
- Fixed some Concurrency errors
- Fixed a random error with Scoreboards
- Fixed Assassins sometimes not getting choosen(this should be the final fix :P)
* Converted to UUIDs

v.1.7 - 14.12.2013 - 1.7.4

+ Added ItemSpell: ItemDVZTeleport
+ Added (basic) Highscore
+ Added Monument Health Bar
+ Added /dvz_highscore and dvz.highscore
  * Configurable Score on Win, Surviving the monument, going too far out, ...
- Fixed a error, when leaving the game during the start/lobby phase
* IMPORTANT: Rewrote Disguisehandling System
  * now variable
  * Currently supported plugins: Disguisecraft, BeTheMob, Lib's Disguises
+ Added "%n" for a new line in (most) Messages displayed in chat
* IMPORTANT: Requires SpellItems v.1.3
- Fixed/Added support for Multiverse

v.1.6.3 - 11.09.2013 - CB 1.6.2-R1.0

* IMPORTANT: Moved all Item and Enchantment(see below) code into a seperate Plugins
  * This means that you now also need to instal SpellItems
  * Get it from here: ...
  * You only need to drop it into the plugins folder
  * BUT if you want the Mana to always show you need to change always_show_stats in the config of SPELLITEMS!
+ Added CustomEnchantment System
  * can apply the same spells as custom items
  * works on bows, eggs, snowballs, ...
  * In the Itemsyntax you can now use an enchantment id OR the iternalName of a custom Enchantment
  * look in the classes.yml for the whole Itemsyntax
* IMPORTANT: Removed the transmutebook system
  * Moved transmuting to customitems
  + Added ItemSpells: ItemClassCheck, ItemTransmute, ItemExperience
  * WARNING: This will break old configs
* IMPORTANT: Removed dedicated mode
  * It was a remainder from the very first Versions and completly broken
  * Added autojoin_on_join(default: true) to replace the dedicated_mode autojoining
+ Added Configoptions for Crystalchest size
+ Added Rewardsystem(from ItemSpells)
  * Only 1 gametype for now
  * Builder gets points for building blocks
  * Other classes get points for using their transmute
  * Rewarditems: Bow of ...(needs a Name), Freezing Snowballs, Lightning Sword, Potion Pie, Fire Rod
+ DVZJoinGameEvent
  * used to execute commands
  * default: reset Players Reward points

v.1.6.2 - 14.07.2013 - 1.6.2

+ Added Graceperiode(default 5 mins) where dwarves cann't be hurt
+ Added Option to delay teleportation at gamestart
+ Added /dvz_reload language
* Stats scoreboard changes:
  * Assassins are counted seperatly
  * Added Monument %
  * Add Option to use seconds as the Timerscore in scoreboards
* Disabled placing of Specialitem-blocks
  * also added a option to enable placing: allowPlace
* Disabled WaitingMenu until I can fix it
- Fixed Spellitems(blocks) getting placed(can be enabled again in the items.yml - allowPlace)
- Fixed Scoreboard staying after Gameend
- Fixed andre111 startup/login tag always displaying
- Fixed PotionEffects getting stuck after a Gamereset
- Fixed a Nullpointer with the new_classselection
- Fixed some more Assassin bugs

v.1.6.1 - 03.07.2013 - 1.6.1

+ Added Winning/Losing Dwarves
+ Added Specialitems per Player(name)
+ Added Start-helath/hunger/sturation for classes
+ Added onEat ItemSpells
+ Added "Dwarf Kill Buffs"
+ Added /dvz_reload
- Fixed /dvz_start not working when the countdown is allready running

v.1.6 - 16.06.2013 - CB 1.5.2-R1.0

* IMPORTANT: Changed classes.yml format
  * now uses to same format as monster.yml and dragons.yml
  * dwarves now can get items in their crystal storage
  + added "piston-changes" (for the Woodcutter in the new DvZ)
  + added "transmute-items" (for the Blacksmith int the new DvZ)
* IMPORTANT: Changed itemformat again :P
  * will work with all old items
  * using -10 as the enchantment id will now add only the glowing effect(without actual enchantments)
* IMPORTANT: Changed to loading of classes
  * There can be more than 20 different classes now
  * Added Permissions per class(for expample:)
  * dvz.dwarves.0 or dvz.monster.6
* IMPORTANT: removed all monsterattacks
  * all attacks are now special items
  * new ItemSpells: ItemBlink,ItemConfuse,ItemDrop,ItemExplode,ItemGetItem,ItemHunger,ItemLay,ItemPortal,ItemPotions,ItemRoar,ItemSnowballs
* IMPORTANT: changed ItemEffect Syntax
  * effectlocation effect <optionalData>
  * the data can change acording to the effect
  * Effects: ItemEffectNormal,ItemEffectSound,ItemEffectLightning,ItemEffectItemSpray
* Started work on the "new DvZ"
  + Added Builder, Woodcutter and Blacksmith
  + Added Dwarven Shortbow
  + Added Quarry and /dvz_quarry
+ Added "Gametype 3" alternating between type 1 and 2
+ Added Block systems
  * Break Blacklist Syntax: "blockid:data"
  * Drop Change Syntax: "blockid:data;sound_or_-1;item1;item2;..."
  * Change on Break Syntax: "blockid:data;newblockid:newdata"
+ Added ItemSpell: ItemArmorCheck,ItemArmorSet,ItemCrystalStorage,ItemEffect,ItemReplace
+ Added "Up-Counter" for custom Items
  * Can be interrupted by moving,switching Items and getting damaged
  + Added new "Effect locations": CounterStep,CounterInterrupt,CounterFinish
+ Added damage to DragonSpew and ItemLaunch
+ Added Statsystem
  * Shown in Scoreboard whilest sneaking
  * Currently shows: dwarves,monsters
  * Mana is now shown in the XP-Bar when sneaking
  + Added config Option to always show stats/manabar
+ Added /dvz_give [player] [formated_item_string]
* /dvz_join now searches for a game in the "Waiting for Players" state, when no gameId is given
+ Added a experimental world generator
  * adds a spawn, quarry and monsterspawn
+ Added 3DItems
  * Clickable Items around a block
  + added /dvz_itemstand [once_per_player] [displayItem] [formatedItem]
  * saved and loaded on Gamestart
+ Added countdowns in the scoreboard
+ Added an Option to make dwarves win after a certain ammount of time
+ Added an Update Notifier
* Almost every default string now gets translated
* Changed the location of the languagefiles(WARNING: The default ones will get overridden everytime the server starts!)
* Changed Crystalchest
  * not using the Enderchest anymore(it is NOT saved now!)
  * removed to global config option
  * added Specialitems for crystal storage
* IMPORTANT: Changed Colorcodes from '§' to '&' - this should fix all encoding issues
- Change Gamemode to Survival on Gamestart
- Fixed a Bug in checking wether a player is a dwarf
- Fixed IronGolems being able to break every block
- Fixed many bugs related to Assassins
- Fixed many bugs related to the WaitingMenu and the New Classselection(includes the reverting inventory bug)

v.1.5.1 - 21.04.2013 - CB 1.5.1-R0.2

* Changed Item Format(again)
  * id_OR_customItemName:<damagevalue> <min_count>:<max_count> <chance_to_get_item> <enchant1_id>:<enchant1_level>,... <name>,<lore1>,<lore2>,<lore3>
  * Name and Lore1,2,3 can contain spaces
  * to get Names without enchantments use -1 as the enchantmentid(ignoring it)
  * Example: "257 1 100 -1:0 Hi i'm Named!,I also have a lore!,2,3"
  * WARNING: Do not change name or lore of custom Items or they will not work!
* Changed Crystal Storage(0: disabled - 1: per Player - 2: One chest per game(for all dwarves, currently not saved))
+ Added chat pre- and suffixes
+ Added Config option to disable crafting of certain items in a game(default: armor+swords)
+ Added Config option to disable the Lobby world
+ Added Config option to enable automatic rejoin after a game ends
+ Added a Mana System
  * Every class can have different MaxMana and ManaRegen
  * Currently displays in scoreboard when sneaking(maybe needs something better)
+ Added Special(Custom) Items:
  * currently WIP!
  * ItemId,Data,Name and Lore can be set
  * It can have different "spells" on left and rightclick:
  * The Spells can play effects and sounds
  * The Spells can have different cooldowns and Manacosts
  * Currently available: only ItemCommand,ItemLaunch,ItemLeap for now :(
  * You can suggest new Spells per PM(please describe them as detailed as you can)
+ Added Monster Attacks: 
  * MonsterPotions - "Dropping" Potions on nearby Players
  * MonsterTargeted - casting a "ray" of fireworks and casting an other attack on impact
  * MonsterCommand - Perform commands as the Player or the console
+ Added new Monsterconfig options
  * placeBlocks - is the monster allowed to place Blocks(default: false)
  * damageBuff - damagemultiplier, can have a decimal point(default: 1)
  * disabledDamage - List of disabled damagesources:
  * currently available: contact(Cactus),drown,explosion,fall,fire,lava,poison,starve,wither
  * default: for all: explosion,fire,drown,starve spider: fall,poison
* Monsters now spawn at the (Monster)Spawnpoint of their DvZ world
- Fixed not getting undisguised when the game ends
- Fixed GameStopEvent getting called on Server start(also fixes problems with commands)
- Fixed a bug in setting cooldowns
* Trying to use new, version independent code to delete worlds(please tell me any Problems you get)

v.1.5 - 07.04.2013 - CB 1.5.1-R0.1

* ATTENTION: Internal changes
  * The plugin can now handle up to 10 Games
  * Commands HAVE changed and most of them now need a gameID as the first argument
+ Added Customized Dragon Attacks and Playercontrolled dragon
  * Attacks: Bite,Damage,Decoy,Explode,Fire,Ice,Push,Spew,Throw
  * More detailed description in the dragons.yml
  * ATTENTION: The default config includes only some Testattacks as I had no time making real ones
  * You can suggest new Attacks per PM(please describe them as detailed as you can)
* Made Monsters customizable
  * Spells: Blink,Confuse,Drop,Explode,Hunger,Item,Lay,Leap,Portal,Poison,Raor,Smash,Snowballs
  * Startitems, Potion Effects, Spells and Disguise can be set
  * Up to 20 different monsters
  * Disabled Hungry Pig(not compatible with the new config)
  * More detailed description in the monsters.yml
  * You can suggest new Spells per PM(please describe them as detailed as you can)
* Moved custom dwarf classes to a own file
+ New Command: /dvz [command] - can be used to call every other command without the _
  * /dvz start 0 10 = /dvz_start 0 10
* Monsters can now get buffs depending on the time of the day(monster.yml)
* Dwarves can get buffs(or debuffs depeding on lightlevel(default: darkness in below 7)
+ Added "Itemstats" -only testing- Items keep track how many Monsters have been killed with them
* IronGolems get Protection 4 armor
* Monsters get Blast Protection 4
* Now all four enchantment tables need to be destoyed
* Changed Potionhandling, now all Potions can be thrown by dwarves
+ Added config options for performing commands on Gamestart/end
* Started on Eventsystem
  * DVZGameStartEvent - Cancellable
  * DVZGameEndEvent - Not Cancellable
- Fixed Disguisecraft Permission Problems
- Fixed error on "unnatural" deaths
- Fixed dwarves being able to detroy their own monument
- Fixed new_classselection doing nothing
- Fixed Iron Golems loosing their effects
- Fixed picking offline Dwarves as Assasins
- Fixed buffed monsters not one hitting dwarves
- Fixed Players getting suizidepill and map at wrong times
* Disabled Temporary Workaround: invisible monsters - because Disguisecraft fixed it

v.1.4.3 - 21.03.2013 - CraftBukkit Dev Build 2688

* Updated for 1.5
* Compiled against CraftBukkit Dev Build 2688
- Some small bug fixes(more detailed changelog comming for v1.5)

v.1.4.2 - 10.02.2013 - CB 1.4.7-R1.0

+ Added throwing Potions
* Hungry Pigs can eat Stone Bricks by fast rightclicking
* Made IronGolems 5 times stronger( this time without breaking them completely :P )
* You can change IronGolems to Blazes in the config
* Changed all Dwarf Spellitems to books
* IMPORTANT: Changed the way items are loaded from the config:
  * id:<damagevalue> <min_count>:<max_count> <chance_to_get_item> <enchant1_id>:<enchant1_level>,...
  * Examples: 4->1 CobbleStone; 6:3 10->10 Junglesaplings
  * If you want to use something at the back include everything in front of it. 
  * Example: If you want enchantments, but want to get the item a hundred percent: 267 1 100 1:1
  * You can add as many different items as you like
* If assasins are enabled, at least one is choosen everytime.
* Reset Exp on Classchange
* /dvz_join checks for items in Inventory and gives out a warning
+ Added /dvz_leave
* Players joining in the Lobbyworld will be teleported to of the first world
* Players autoadded if the game is running and the monsters are released, become Monsters
* Changed to the plugincheck Bukkit provides, this should work flawless
* All commands can be shortend to /d_...
* Really fixed Hungry Pigs not draining all Hunger
- Fixed wrong Spelltimes displaying

v.1.4.1 - 04.02.2013 - CB 1.4.7-R1.0

* Changed Suizidepill to Ghasttear
* Made Hungry Pigs lose their Exp when developing
* Hopefully fixed Hungry Pigs not draining all Hunger
- Fixed Iron Golems ( this also reverts making them stronger :( )
- Fixed String longer than maximum allowed error

v.1.4 - 03.02.2013 - CB 1.4.7-R1.0

* First steps to making it automatic:
  + Added a hacky way to delete the DvZ_Main world
  + Added Save/Loadsystem for Spawnpositions/Monument
  + Added System to save Prebuild Maps
  + Added automatic Map reset
  + Added a simple Lobby system(Lobby World)
  + Added Autostart depending on Playercount
+ Added need_release config Option
 * Monsters can either be released automatically after a certain time
  * or by typing /dvz_release
+ Added Cats
+ Added Hungry Pigs
+ Added Monster Invulnarability - configurable
+ Added Suizidepill - configurable
+ Added new Class Selection System - can be disabled
* Made the IronGolem stronger
- Fixed Arrows still doing damage when friendly fire is disabled
* Temporary Workaround: the item not appering problem(uses a deprecated method)
* Temporary Workaround: invisible monsters after dying(undisguise and redisguise every Player, when someone respawns)

v.1.3.1 - 13.01.2013 - CB 1.4.6-R0.3

* Fixed error in command: /dvz_join

v.1.3 - 12.01.2013 - CB 1.4.6-R0.3

* Completly customisable Dwarf Classes
  * The Normal ones can be edited or completly removed
  * Up to 10 different classes
  * Name, Chance, Items to give at start, Items needed for Spell, Items get for Spell and more can be configurated
* New Config Option: dedicated_mode - //default: true//
  * When this Option is diabled, the Plugin will ignore Players by default and they must use /dvz_join to join the Game.
  * This can be used if you want to use the Server for other Stuff too and not only DvZ
* Assasins Customisable(What Items they get and how much time they have)
* An Option to disable the check for DisguiseCraft
  * Only disable this if you have DC installed but it doesn't detect it somehow
+ Added support for different language files
* new Command: /dvz_join
* Change encoding of config.yml to UTF-8 - this should fix some problems
  * WARNING: The German language file is not encoded in UTF-8!

v.1.2 - 05.01.2013 - CB 1.4.6-R0.3

+ Enderman Portals
+ Item/Spell description(not complete)
+ Dwarf Monument
+ Lose checks with last dwarf standing
+ Added Assasins(automatic or per command)
* Option to disable friendly fire
* Option to disable PvP in Spawn
* Option to enable Crystal Storage
* new Commands: /dvz_monument /dvz_add /dvz_assasin /dvz_saveworld
- Fixed: Null Pointer Exceptions whilst handling Players
- Fixed: Not existing config keys gave errors - Thanks to SuperMinecraftBrosMC for making me aware of this

v.1.1 - 02.01.2013 - CB 1.4.6-R0.3

+ Added Config File
+ Added Permissions
- Fixed Logoutbug
- Fixed a bug with /dvz_start

v.1.0 - 01.01.2013 - CB 1.4.6-R0.3

* Initial Release