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The default config.yml can be seen here:

Configoption Description
game[0-9] Setup multiple games and their type, which affects which classes are used.
  • 0 = disabled
  • 1/2 = use type 1 or 2
  • 3 = alternate between types
commands_onStart List of commands executed at game start. Do NOT include the /
commands_onEnd List of commands executed at game end. Do NOT include the /
commands_onJoin List of commands executed when a player joins a game. Do NOT include the /

-0- will be replaced by the player name.

friendly_fire Toggle friendly fire
spawn_nopvp Disable PvP damage around spawn area. 0 = disabled
autoadd_players Players get can automatically added to running games. When disabled they can still join but wont get to choose their class.
autojoin_on_join Players automatically get added to a game when they join the server.
auto_rejoin Players automatically rejoin the game after it has ended.
set_to_day Set the world to day at gamestart
disable_dcraft_check Disables check for dependencies. Disable ONLY when you have installed them but they are not being detected for some reason.
language The ingame language. Warning: the default languages will get overridden at every start! Create a new language file to modify it. Commands are not affected by this currently.
world_prefix All worlds will use this prefix. Remember to rename the [prefix]_worlds directory when you change this!
new_classselection Use an Inventorygui to choose classes.
dedicated_chat Chatmessages can only be seen by players in the same game. (Currently broken!)
change_death_message Change deathmessage to show killing team instead of player.
hide_join_leave Hides join and leave messages from ingame players.
join_free_game /dvz_join without a gameid will join the first available game.
item_stats (Currently) counts kills and displays them on the itemlore.
global_stats Show players in teams on the scoreboard.
always_show_stats Always show Scoreboard. (except when in an inventoryscreen)
scoreboard_timer_seconds Display timers in seconds or use text to display the time. (using text causes small flickering of the scoreboard)
show_monument_bar Display monument health with the bossbar.
show_game_id Display gameid of joined game.
show_andre111_tag Show join message and display andre111 as andre111 the Plugin Developer.
globalstorage Size of global storage. (9, 18, 27, 36, 45)
privatestorage Size of private storage. (9, 18, 27, 36, 45)
delayed_teleporation Split teleportation in multiple ticks.

0=all at once, 1=a player ever tick, 2=a player every second tick

updateCheck Check for new versions. (Currently disabled due to dev.bukkit policy)
use_lobby Use a lobby world. (Disable to use main world as lobby)
lobby_players Players needed to autostart a game.
lobby_starttime Time after playercount is reached before game is started.
lobby_voting Enable voting for maps. (Disabling this will make map selection random)
hscore_in_lobby Display Hishscore in lobby.
hscore_win Score awarded for winning a game.
hscore_loose_monument Score lost when the monument gets destroyed.
hscore_loose_distance Score lost for moving away from the monument.
max_monument_distance Maximum distance a player is allowed to move from the monument.
max_monument_counter Time to get back in range of the monument.
disables_crafts List of items to disable crafting in gametype 1.
disables_crafts_type2 List of items to disable crafting in gametype 2.